Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter in Thomasville

We spent Easter in Thomasville at Possy (this is how Adeline says "Sparky") and Grandaddy's house. Adeline enjoyed hunting Easter eggs, but particularly enjoyed eating the candy out of the Easter eggs. Here are a few pics of Adeline in her Easter dress...

1 comment:

CPH said...

a very cute little lady. and she would be proud of her friend jackson. cach said you all might be interested to know that jackson had peaches this morning for breakfast which itself is not very special. however, this morning was unique in that he grabbed the peach from my hand and began taking bites out of it like an apple...or a peach. he could barely hold on to it once it got slippery but he managed to eat almost the whole thing. hope you guys are doing well and looking forward to #2. take care

C, C & J