Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Catching Up!

I know it has been quite a while since the last post; however, I think I have a pretty good excuse! In late October, we found out that we are expecting Baby Pearson #2! He/she is due July 7th, which we are hoping will be THE busiest week of peach season (: Needless to say, we were a little suprised at the news, but very excited! I am 10 weeks now and reveling in the wonders of the first trimester...morning sickness, breakouts, exhaustion..just to name a few. Adeline broke the news to everyone by wearing a t-shirt that read "I'm going to be a big sister." It was amazing how long it took everyone to register what her shirt said. Adeline does not understand any of this yet; however, she does know that her primary playmate has suddenly become pretty pathetic! Fortunately, the holidays have kept us pretty busy and we have had both our families around to help entertain her. To recap the last month...

In early November, my mom, sisters, and I took a girls' trip to Atlanta to do some Christmas shopping. Of course, the girls weekend would not have been complete without Adeline (what are we going to do if the next one is a boy?) Here are some shots of Adeline doing what girls (atleast Defnall girls) do best...eating dessert, lounging in her pjs in her heavenly bed, and taking a much needed bubble bath (shopping can really wear a girl out).

Then came Thanksgiving...The Pearson family Thanksgiving consisted of about 60 people out at the cabin-eating, going on hayrides, shooting skeet, riding in the boat etc. I think Adeline had as much fun as anybody! Here are a few of my pics, but for some really good pics see The Kelleys blog (Lanier- I definitely need copies of those pictures!)

We went down to Thomasville for Thanksgiving weekend for some much needed (atleast for me) TLC. Adeline and I spent the next week in Thomasville and Sparky came to the rescue! It was so nice to sleep in, have someone else change Adeline's diapers (morning sickness and diapers are not a good combination), fix our meals, and do our laundry! Thank you so much Mom! While we were in Thomasville, we took Adeline to the Christmas parade. I don't think she quite knew what to make of it, but she seemed to enjoy it. Santa Claus has been a no-go this year. When I took her to get her picture made with him, she took one look at him and said NOOOO (while shaking her head adamantly back and forth)...maybe next year. Here are a few shots of us at the parade...


Anonymous said...

Fun times with you and Adeline!!!! Can't wait to see everyone at Christmas.

CPH said...

Congratulations guys. Looking forward to seeing you, and the new edition, very soon.

C, C & J