Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunt Laurie

Adeline wanted to wish her Aunt Laurie a very Happy Birthday! Unfortunately, Adeline can't talk on the phone or see her in person, so we decided some pictures of Adeline in her birthday suit would have to suffice.

Hope y'all are having a wonderful day up in Greenville. Tell Jimbo that Aunt Neir and Anay nay said hello. Enjoy...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cabin Fever

Sorry it has been so long since the last post. Now that Adeline is "on the move," I don't have much computer time! Last weekend we went to Hudson McGehee's 3rd birthday party at the cabin. It is hard to believe, but this was Adeline's first trip to the cabin, and needless to say she thoroughly enjoyed it! Lawton was VERY excited to see her holding a fishing pole! Here are some pics...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bathing Beauty

Adeline took her first trip to the beach this past week, and it definitely will not be her last! We went down to St. Simons for a few days to visit my grandmother and family. She takes after her mama and loves the beach! I thought she might try and eat the sand-you might have guessed by now that she does like to eat. However, she just crawled around, dug in the sand, and did a little people watching. I was worried about having her out in the sun too long, but fortunately she must have Lawton's skin. At the end of the day, I was burned and Adeline had a tan.

It's amazing how fast she is growing! Every week she learns a new "trick." Adeline is now crawling and making all kinds of noises (no words yet). She has just started clapping her hands and giving kisses (when she feels like it). I cannot believe she is almost eight months old!
Here are some pics from our first beach trip...