Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ode to Sparky

Wow, where to start? January has been SO busy for the Pearson family! We have been all over the state of Georgia- with Adeline in tow. All of this would not have been possible without our beloved Sparky! For those of you who do not know who Sparky is, Sparky is my mom's grandmother name. Before Adeline was born, my mom decided she wanted to be called Grandmama. Well, none of us felt this "fit" my mom who neither looks nor acts like a "grandmama." So...Lawton took it upon himself to name her Sparky (because she is such a sparkplug) and it kind of stuck! Adeline has yet to put her two cents in, but we feel like she'll approve.

These past few weekends would not have been possible without my mom's help! Lawton and I brought quite a crowd down to Thomasville MLK weekend. We all went out to eat while my mom babysat Adeline and Thatcher. We had hoped that the babies would sleep the entire time we were gone, but....

This is a picture of what we saw when we got home from dinner!

She most recently went with us to Brasstown, so that Lawton and I could participate in the Leadership Georgia program. It was freezing while we were there, so Sparky and Adeline spent most of the weekend walking around the hotel. By the time we left, they knew every employee on a first name basis!

So, a big thank you goes out to Sparky! I don't think you can truly appreciate all that a mom does until you become one yourself. I only hope that I can be half the mom and grandmama that Sparky is!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just Peachy

I am writing this entry with a little hesitation and shame. Before I confess to what I have done, I'll give a little background...Several couples went down to Thomasville with Lawton, Adeline and me this past weekend. On Sunday, "the girls" went down to Tallahassee to shop while "the boys" were hunting. We stopped by Fresh Market on the way home to grab something for dinner that night. Well, being the good peach farmer's wife that I am, I grabbed a couple of peaches, as Lawton and I are always sampling the competition. These particular peaches were from Chile. I promise that I only intended these peaches to be consumed by Lawton and me! However, Amy had one of those new contraptions that looks like a pacifier and holds fruit in a little net so that young babies can taste fruit and not have to chew it up (I have no idea what to call it). So....when we got home, we thought it would be fun to let Adeline try some fruit for the first time. Well, I guess you can see where I am headed with this....yes, it's true...Adeline had her first peach....and it was from Chile not Pearson Farms! Just to set the record straight, Lawton had nothing to do with this and undoubtedly would have put a stop to it. To make the situation even worse...Adeline LOVED that Chilean peach! I guess she has nothing with which to compare it. I am sure after she has her first Pearson Farms peach she will turn her nose up at any peach her daddy didn't grow!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First Tooth

For the last few weeks, we have been suspicious that Adeline was teething. Well, our suspicions were confirmed today with the sprouting of her first tooth! This explains all the drooling and occassional inconsolable fussiness. I know the tooth fairy is supposed to come when you lose teeth; but, I feel like the process of getting teeth is much more difficult than losing one (not only for the baby but the parents too!) I think finding a $20 bill under my pillow (or in Adeline's crib) would make those fussy nights a little easier to endure.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Our Favorite Things

I know everyone is probably expecting Christmas pictures; however, I have temporarily misplaced my camera (which contains all of our holiday pics)! SO...stay tuned and I will post them as soon as I find them! In the meantime, Adeline and I were recently inspired by Oprah's Favorite Things show to compile our own list of "favorite things." Adeline and I do not make a habit of watching Oprah-we prefer Baby Einstein videos. However, for those of you not from the middle Georgia area, Oprah filmed her favorite things show in Macon this year. I must say it was worth watching to see the Macon women praising the Lord for their new Kitchenaid mixer. Anyway, I have decided to add a permanent section to the blog entitled Adeline Adores. You can find it in the top right-hand corner of the blog. I will periodically update it with things Adeline (and consequently her mother) absolutely adores!

The first item on the Adeline Adores list is the Baby Einstein Exersaucer. Adeline LOVES her exersaucer! I think she enjoys it so much because she can sit up and see what is going on around her. The exersaucer plays music and has toys that spin, rattle etc. If my rambling doesn't convince you maybe this picture will...