Monday, December 10, 2007

Little Friends

On Saturday, the Pearson family attended Katherine Ann's birthday party. Many of Adeline's friends were in attendance and we tried our best to get some cute pictures of them together. Well, it is hard enough to get a good picture of several adults...getting a good picture of several babies is close to impossible. However, we tried our best and here are the results...

Adeline & Landry

The Birthday Girl

A definite keeper-one crying, one sleeping, and one wondering what he is going to do with all these GIRLS!

Thatcher showing Adeline who's boss!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Home for the Holidays

It is amazing how much more difficult it is to travel when you have a baby. We used to hop in the car whenever we wanted, with no regard to the last time we ate or took a nap. We didn't have to take five bags full of stuff for a two night visit and we didn't listen to Disney songs for two hours straight on the way there. However, things are a little different now. I believe if Adeline had her way, she would definitely prefer to stay home for the holidays. Nevertheless, it is so nice to visit all our family. So...we strap Adeline in her carseat- kicking and screaming, pray that she'll fall asleep at some point during the trip, and hit the road. In light of all the traveling we did over Thanksgiving (and will do again over Christmas), we are trying to stay home as much as possible in the meantime. So, the Pearson family has been spending a lot of time at 201 Malatchie Road-home, sweet home. Here are some pictures of Adeline doing her favorite thing-playing with her Mama and Daddy in her cozy footies at HOME!