Monday, December 10, 2007

Little Friends

On Saturday, the Pearson family attended Katherine Ann's birthday party. Many of Adeline's friends were in attendance and we tried our best to get some cute pictures of them together. Well, it is hard enough to get a good picture of several adults...getting a good picture of several babies is close to impossible. However, we tried our best and here are the results...

Adeline & Landry

The Birthday Girl

A definite keeper-one crying, one sleeping, and one wondering what he is going to do with all these GIRLS!

Thatcher showing Adeline who's boss!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Home for the Holidays

It is amazing how much more difficult it is to travel when you have a baby. We used to hop in the car whenever we wanted, with no regard to the last time we ate or took a nap. We didn't have to take five bags full of stuff for a two night visit and we didn't listen to Disney songs for two hours straight on the way there. However, things are a little different now. I believe if Adeline had her way, she would definitely prefer to stay home for the holidays. Nevertheless, it is so nice to visit all our family. So...we strap Adeline in her carseat- kicking and screaming, pray that she'll fall asleep at some point during the trip, and hit the road. In light of all the traveling we did over Thanksgiving (and will do again over Christmas), we are trying to stay home as much as possible in the meantime. So, the Pearson family has been spending a lot of time at 201 Malatchie Road-home, sweet home. Here are some pictures of Adeline doing her favorite thing-playing with her Mama and Daddy in her cozy footies at HOME!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Defnall Girls

I don't think there is anything more fun than a girls' night with all the Defnall girls (my mom and Adeline included of course). Well, there were several of us together last weekend and it was so nice to have some girl time while the men went hunting. Adeline loves playing with her aunts, who can always seem to make her smile and laugh. Girls' night is no longer a night out on the town, but instead, a night staying at home and taking pictures of Adeline holding her head up (her latest trick).

Because of Adeline's dislike of the carseat, I have hardly taken her anywhere by myself. I took advantage of my sisters being here and decided to venture out a bit. Our first stop was the grocery store, which I must say went a little better than I had expected (I did not have high hopes). We loaded her infant carrier in to the buggy and made it to the produce department before Adeline decided she had had enough. After that, we must have looked like something off of Supermarket person held her while the others ran through the aisles grabbing what we needed for dinner that night....amazingly we got out of there with everything on the list! Our next stop was Old Navy, which actually went much better (bad news for Dad...Adeline already likes to shop).

So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am grateful for my sisters. Only sisters could have fun creating a scene in Kroger with a screaming baby; only sisters would insist on holding Adeline at all times because they knew how much their sister's back needed a break; and only sisters would get as excited as I do about Adeline holding her head up. I hope Adeline is lucky enough to have a sister (or two)!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

"Easy Like Sunday Morning"

As many times as Adeline has heard Lionel Richie's song "Easy Like Sunday Morning," you'd think she would know that Sunday mornings are supposed to be easy and peaceful. Well, it was neither easy nor peaceful for the poor nursery volunteers at Perry Presbyterian Church this Sunday morning. We went back to church (our first time since Adeline was born) and took Adeline to the church nursery. I was a little nervous to leave her with people I did not know, but figured it was good for both of us to "branch out." Adeline looked so precious when we dropped her off. She was wearing a beautiful dress, white booties, and a smile on her face. She looked like an angel and I had high hopes that she would entertain the nursery ladies with her sweet smiles and coos.....well, entertain them she did! When we went to pick her up, she was sound asleep on one lady's shoulder. "How did she do?" I asked, feeling sure they had loved every minute they had been able to spend with her. "We won...we always win" was the reply I got. They went on to explain that she had cried...and cried....and cried. They had tried the swing, the bouncy seat, the rocking chair, but nothing had worked until one lady finally put her on her left shoulder (they said the right shoulder didn't work either) and Adeline finally passed out. As I apologized, I noticed the other babies in the room sitting peacefully in the infant carriers, bouncy seats etc. So Adeline had been the star alright...she had been the center of attention...just not in the way I had hoped. Of course, we forgot to take pictures BEFORE we went to church, so here are some pictures of Adeline after her church performance. When we got home her dress was wrinkled, her diaper was wet, and she had lost her booties somewhere along the way. However, she was all smiles (and tongue) if to say "No, I won."

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Party Girl

Well, Adeline has been quite the party girl for the past few weeks. We have actually left the four walls of 201 Malatchie Road and been out and about...more fun for mama than for Adeline I think! Our first party stop was Weston and Mary Margaret's wedding day picnic. Adeline takes after her aunt Mary Katherine and does not enjoy the sun very much, so we only stayed for a little while. From there we moved on to Jimbo's (Adeline's only cousin) first birthday party. Unfortunately (or fortunately...depending on how you look at it), Adeline was asleep for the majority of the party. And finally, Adeline made her debut in Thomasville at the Sip n' See at Grandmama Carla's (AKA Sparky's) house. Everyone oohed and aahed over our precious baby girl...and who can blame them. Adeline was not too happy to be in a dress and booties, but despite a small leak on one lady's blouse and a few crying spells, the party was a huge success!

So, we are now back at 201 Malatchie and enjoying a little peace and quiet after the past two weeks. Despite her busy social schedule, Adeline did pick up a number of new "tricks" over the past few weeks. She has realized that she has HANDS and is grabbing at toys, faces etc. She has also become much more vocal and now makes an "ooh" sound over and over when she gets excited. The biggest news is that Adeline finally seems to be taking to her carseat, which she did NOT like for the first two months. So, Adeline and I will finally be able to get out and about, which makes her mama very happy (:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Daddy's Little Girl

Well, it seems Adeline is following in my footsteps and is definitely a daddy's girl. She is absolutely mesmerized by Lawton and all the faces, sounds etc he makes for her. I think Lawton is equally mesmerized by all of Adeline's faces and sounds. She sure does love her daddy-and I don't blame her.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Seven Weeks

Adeline Lanier Pearson was born August 11th at 6:23 pm. She weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches long...perfect! The past seven weeks have been wonderful, miraculous, a little tiring(ok..very tiring), and full of firsts. In true Defnall form, Adeline is quite the rocker. She LOVES the hammock, porch swing, and rocking chair. Lawton and I also spend a lot of evenings "dancing" with Adeline to get her to sleep. You may be picturing us swaying with our precious daughter to soft baby lullabies. However, Adeline seems to have a thing for r&b and Lionel Richie or Stevie Wonder can get her to sleep every time. She has started smiling and cooing, which makes her mama and daddy's heart melt every time...I cannot imagine what it will be like when she starts talking!